If you called Wain’s cell, you might get this voicemail message: “Hello, you’ve reached Sound Construction Company and Wain Anthony McFarlane . . . Create a great day.” Wain is a working musician – and by that I mean that music is his day job. Wain is Sound Construction Company and as such he writes and records music; manages up-and-coming artists, including having mentored one blond, dreadlocked teenager who now has his own presence in the cities’ music scene; rents sound equipment; operates a recording studio; and coordinates musical events. Mostly he sings and plays guitar, but he has been known to fill in on keyboards or drums when needed. Wain has many hobbies. He keeps Japanese koi in the water garden he built one summer in the yard of his girlfriend’s house. He spent a couple weeks (and all the money that should have been going toward living expenses) sanding the floors and white-washing the walls of his warehouse so he could provide art space as part of the Northeast Art-a-Whirl last spring. He recently was given 35 old red pay phones that he wants to weld together into a working phone booth and hopes to get a commission from the city for an installation of the phone booth as an art piece downtown.
I picked Wain up at his
Wain was diagnosed with hypertension in 1997, but it wasn’t until he went in for a hip replacement (years of jumping on and off stages, combined with prescribed steroids and Jack Daniels, destroyed his hips) in February 2006 that he was sitting still long enough for tests to be taken, which diagnosed kidney failure. Hypertension, along with diabetes and glomerulonephritis, is the leading cause of kidney failure. Until a compatible kidney donor could be indentified from among the many family members who volunteered to be tested, his dialysis treatments could continue indefinitely. He needed a permanent dialysis access site (called an “arterio venous fistula”). The fistula, a device implanted under the skin, joining a vein and an artery, offers efficient access for removing the patient’s blood for filtration. It is also less likely to get infected than a temporary access site that has to be opened anew each time.
In the car, he made several calls to “take care of some business before I go to sleep.” One almost never has his full attention. It is rare for Wain to go more than a few minutes without an incoming or outgoing call. If you are ever out in public with him, there will always be someone – fan, friend, someone who saw Wain play at a wedding or prom – who stops to say hello and chat. That day he made calls to solicit help for the move of his studio equipment from his warehouse, which he could no longer afford, to a smaller office space, and to coordinate an up-coming gig at Famous Dave’s.
I dropped him at the hospital and went back to pick him up several hours later. He would not be released until he had feeling in his arm (where the fistula was implanted) which would take another hour, so they let me wait with Wain in his cubicle. The nurses were in and out, monitoring his progress. One of them told Wain some other nurses had been talking about him. He grinned from ear to ear and said “gossiping about me, how fun is that?!” Eventually a nurse told him he could leave, but he still didn’t have control of his right hand so I had to help him get dressed. He laughed as I helped him get his jeans on and started singing the Dionne Warwick song, “That’s What Friends Are For.” We were singing it together as we walked out to the administrative station, where six nurses were bustling but stopped when Wain approached. They asked him to sing them a song and he crooned the first couple verses of Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song.” One nurse asked what band he was in. He said, “My band is called Wain McFarlane. My big band was called Ipso Facto.” I saw the recognition in their faces as they nodded and looked at him with renewed interest. “I was the guy in the top hat. My brother, Greg, played drums and that was my brother JuJu in the leather chaps and nut cup. I got you through the 80s!” he chuckled. “You were drunk, but I got you through it!”
It had been a manic journey to this moment. Soon after the diagnosis of kidney failure, many of his family members offered to be tested for compatibility as donors. But because he didn’t have the proper health coverage, navigating the kidney transplant program was like slogging through molasses; nobody could be tested for donor compatibility until the seemingly limitless paperwork was complete. For instance, they would fill out a form and submit it. The next week they’d check back to see how the process was going and would be told it was never received. Or they weren’t informed of all the parties that needed to receive a copy. They eventually learned to keep copies of everything and follow up, ideally in person, to make sure the information was logged where it should. There were two or three different forms a week for roughly six to eight months. As Catherine described it, they had to stand on one foot facing east while the moon was rising to get the accurate and complete information and she was afraid Wain might not live that long.
That fall Wain went to
A week after the fistula implantation I went with Wain to one of his thrice weekly dialysis treatments. We stopped at the convenience store to buy coffee and sweet rolls for some of the other patients. He told me, “I’m the pacifier. You can tell how the day’s going to go by those first few minutes.” He was referring to his neighbors who sit in the “Tahiti” section of the clinic (the other two being “
There are 28 “chairs,” or dialysis stations, in the privately run clinic he goes to in downtown
It takes four and a half hours for the dialysis machine to clean Wain’s blood of impurities and excess water, the work his kidneys are no longer doing He tries to get started by 7:00 a.m. so that he can be home by noon to start his day. The guy to his left let out a belly laugh, and Wain said, “He’s watching Sanford and Son. She’s usually watching it too,” he continued, gesturing toward the woman to his right (each chair had its own television). “They laugh in stereo and that makes me laugh.” He giggled. He told me about his plans to take them fishing to
“Oh look, it’s that country guy, Keith Urban, he’s gonna be here this weekend.” Wain’s channel was tuned in to a morning news and entertainment program. “He’s that country dude. Catherine says you don’t like him,” he said to me, not quite approving of my music snobbery.
“I never said I didn’t like him, I said it’s not country. It’s pop,” I contested.
“I like him. And what’s that other guy’s name? Kenny Chesney. I saw him once in
“Kenny Chesney is a virulent homophobe.”
“Yeah, they’re all homophobes down there,” Wain said, referring to
Wain’s father grew up in
Wain was looking forward to the Famous Dave’s gig coming up the following night. He doesn’t have many these days. Dialysis exhausts him and makes his hands too sore to play the guitar. Furthermore, to qualify for Medicaid, he has to limit his earnings, keeping them under about $1000 a month. That means itemizing every dollar that comes in and accounting for that to Hennepin County Health, Housing & Social Services, which distributes his disability and EBT (food stamps) benefits. He exceeded the upper limit once last year and hasn’t been getting EBT since. By the time he pays all the musicians after the Famous Dave’s gig, he won’t even clear $100. As Wain has said many times, you don’t play music for the money. The preparations, the assembling of musicians, the audience, the music – every aspect of the show energizes him, gives him purpose. He rarely frets about money, usually spending all that is available to him, a quality that is not always endearing to Catherine.
* * *
The night of the gig, about half an hour before the band would begin, Wain and I were grabbing a drink at the bar. A blonde, college-aged woman tapped him on the shoulder and asked “Are you Wain McFarlane?” He nodded expectantly. She said she was from
Catherine brought some colleagues to see the show and one of them brought her seven-year-old daughter, Olivia, specifically to meet Wain. Wain asked Olivia if she wanted to come up on stage and sing. She shook her head, pinching her brow. As he was about to turn away to talk to another member of the party, Olivia found her courage and told him she plays the guitar. Wain asked, “What’s your favorite song to play?’ “Back in Black” she said with a straight face.
Even though Wain hadn’t decided the playlist until he was standing in front of the audience, the band followed his direction without faltering. As it turned out, he started with a bluesy rock instrumental then lead the band into “
It was past Olivia’s bedtime and Catherine walked her to the stage so Olivia could wave goodbye to Wain. He took Olivia by the hand and brought her up on stage, handing her his white Stratocaster, which was about the same size as she was. She leaned the guitar against her small body, concentration etched into her small features, then plunked out the opening chords of AC/DC’s “Back in Black” while the band quietly backed her up.
* * *
That was Wain’s life for the past two years, undergoing dialysis three days a week and working the few gigs his health and energy level would allow. On Tuesday, February 26, Wain was gifted a kidney from his niece Yai, the 26-year-old daughter (and angel of mercy) of his sister Patricia. The day of the surgery dozens of anxiously waiting friends and family were kept updated on a website set up specifically for that purpose by one of Catherine’s sisters. In the waiting lounge, at least 20 family members, including siblings and their children, were lead in murmured praises to Jesus by Queen Mother McFarlane for Wain and Yai’s successful operations and recovery, and for other patients whose family members brought good news.
When Wain was wheeled out of surgery, the first thing he asked for was his guitar. Catherine said that he writes a new song for every occurrence, such as “my IV monitor is beeping, my IV is done,” and “she’s putting in my Heprin, la la la.”
In addition to being grateful to Yai for the kidney and the chance to continue following his life’s purpose, Wain feels that he is getting some feminine insight from the new body part in his abdomen. He gloated, “I’m part Nubian princess now.”
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