Click on the images to enlarge and read the signs/shirts (if anyone knows how to add captions, teach me how!)

St. Paul mounted police and squads in riot gear with
Cathedral in background

The jumbo-tron behind the mounted police is an image
of Bush pouring gas on the flames of Iraq, Iran and N. Korea

I think these were anti-gay protesters. I guess they
had their convention mixed up.

Old guys at the bar talking about Vets' rights. The T-shirt reads:
"The Bible talks about St. Paul but doesn't mention Minneapolis"

This mom of a vet killed in Iraq is being interviewed by
link TV.

The red shirt reads: "Jihad profiler on duty." The white t-shirt
draped over his knees is written in something that looks like Greek.

Detail of an ice sculpture spelling out "DEMOCRACY" melting in the 90 degree heat (of neo-con rule?)

Latino groups marching around the capitol mall.

The words "Kills" and "Breaks" and something illegible are written
between the words "War" and "US"

These banners were being strung by about 10 people from
one end of the capitol steps to the other with what I presumed
to be names of war dead.

The Radical Roosters

A line of republicans greeted the protesters as they made
their way to the capitol mall.
Great to see sassypages is up and runnign again!
Were these your pictures? If so, did you get the gas at the marches?
Wow, what great photos, how can I add these to my facebook?
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