Tuesday, February 21, 2006

War and Gay Stuff

We watched "Gunner Palace" this weekend, a documentary made by Mike Tucker and Petra Epperlein during the early weeks and months after the fall of Baghdad. It was excellent, and very disturbing. They hang out with a few teams of soldiers who use as their headquarters the estate that previously was the pleasure palace of one of Saddam Hussein's sons, which they call Gunner Palace. Those guys (when I use the term 'guys' I include males and females alike) feel like they are out there alone, fighting a war that isn't noticed by most Americans, and that even after watching the movie, we'll go back to our microwave popcorn and talk about something else. They are cynical, sarcastic. A few are really good poets/rappers. Here's one rap I found when I Googled:

"Considered a ravenous beast if we just launch an attack,

Lose-lose situation we face an anticipation of hatin',

Although we're hunted by Satan, we're frustration abatin' the situation we facin',

Not only followed but chasin',

There's movable hatred,

That's why we feel so neglected, unprotected,

Like from the present,

No need to like this, but please respect it.

This is life."

Some of they guys you meet die.

I recommend seeing it, not just you tree-huggers who are against the war, but especially the misguided Patriots who think we are fighting a good fight in Iraq. Read a much better review than mine from the Seattle Weekly.

Speaking of the good fight, some readings online today included this article about the Gay Agenda. Also on the gay reading list was this one from Lavender Magazine on the recent denial of 2 international gay and lesbian orgs from observer status by the US and IRAN!, among other countries. And yesterday I got an email forward with Brokeback Mountain's Weekly Grocery List:

for Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist, Summer, 1963

* Beans
* Bacon
* Coffee
* Whiskey

* Beans
* Ham
* Coffee
* Whiskey

* Beans al fresca
* Thin-sliced Bacon
* Hazelnut Coffee
* Sky vodka & Tanqueray gin
* K-Y gel

* Beans en salade
* Pancetta
* Coffee (espresso grind)
* 5-6 bottles best Chardonnay
* 2 tubes K-Y gel

* Fresh Fava beans
* Jasmine rice
* Prosciutto, approx. 8 ounces, thinly sliced
* Medallions of veal
* Porcini mushrooms
* 1/2 pint of heavy whipping cream
* 1 Cub Scout uniform, size 42 long
* 5-6 bottles French Bordeaux (Estate Reserve)
* 1 extra large bottle Astro-glide

* Yukon Gold potatoes
* Heavy whipping cream
* Asparagus (very! thin)
* Organic Eggs
* Spanish Lemons
* Gruyere cheese (well aged)
* Crushed Walnuts
* Arugula
* Clarified Butter
* Extra Virgin Olive oil
* Pure Balsamic vinegar
* 6 yards white silk organdy
* 6 yards pale ivory taffeta
* 3 Cases of Dom Perignon Masters Reserve
* Large tin Crisco

And, to not veer off this theme too much, there is the irrepressible Diablo Cody's blog, which I had not visited in a few weeks, so there's news to report about a new puppy! AND, whether or not you've been following the issue of Net neutrality, this article from New York Times explains it pretty well: "When you use the Internet today, your browser glides from one Web site to another, accessing all destinations with equal ease. That could change dramatically, however, if Internet service providers are allowed to tilt the playing field, giving preference to sites that pay them extra and penalizing those that don't." Call or write to your representatives TODAY!!

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